Notes to the balance sheet 18. Goodwill 19. Other intangible assets 20. Property, plant and equipment 21. Investment properties 22. Financial investments and investments accounted for using the equity method 23. Other financial and non-financial assets 24. Deferred tax assets / deferred tax liabilities 25. Inventories 26. Trade receivables 27. Impairments of capitalised financial instruments 28. Maturities and impairment losses of capitalised financial instruments 29. Cash and cash equivalents 30. Assets held for sale / liabilities related to assets held for sale 31. Equity 32. Provisions for post-employment benefits plans and similar obligations 33. Other provisions (non-current) / Provisions (current) 34. Liabilities 35. Trade liabilities 36. Financial liabilities 37. Other financial and non-financial liabilities 38. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities 39. Undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities 40. Carrying amounts and fair values according to measurement categories