Our understanding of sustainability
We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges. But we are also convinced that sustainability is the key to transforming these challenges into opportunities. We see these as both a responsibility and an opportunity to shape our business in harmony with society’s requirements and those of our customers, employees, investors and partners.
In this Corporate Responsibility Progress Report 2016/17 we report about our key performance indicators and target progress, as well as our progress report on the United Nations Global Compact Principles. In the publication Corporate Responsibility 2016/17 Compact we additionally use examples to illustrate how sustainability is embedded in our day-to-day business activities.
Overview of
financial year 2016/17
Climate protection target status
Greenhouse gas emissions in kg CO2 (CO2 equivalents) per m2 selling space
Social audits relating to own imports by metro sourcing and non-food own brand products of the metro sales lines
Food waste reduction target
As part of the Consumer Goods Forum’s Resolution on Food Waste, METRO has committed to reducing the food waste arising in connection with its own business operations by 50% by 2025. The figure from 2016 serves as the baseline.
Goals – OperationsUnited Nations Global Compact
With this Communication on Progress, METRO is fulfilling its obligation to demonstrate which guidelines and measures it is using to improve its performance in the fields of human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the elimination of corruption.
CR Progress Report 2016/17
CR 2016/17 Compact
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