Shareholder structure of METRO AG
In preparing the annual financial statements, the largest (indirect) shareholders of METRO AG – based on the voting right notifications received by METRO AG in accordance with the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) – are EP Global Commerce GmbH with 40.60% of the voting rights as well as Meridian Stiftung and the Beisheim Group, to which a total of approximately 23.94% of the voting rights are allocated in a pooling agreement. These 3 shareholders thus hold a total of 64.54% of the voting rights. In addition, CECONOMY AG holds 0.99% of the voting rights of METRO AG. Under the terms of the 2016 demerger agreement, these shares must not be sold until 1 October 2023.
- For more information about details of the pooling agreement between Meridian Stiftung and Beisheim Holding, see chapter 7 Takeover-related disclosures in the combined management report.
As of 30 September 2021, 35.46% of METRO AG shares are free-floating and held by a number of national and international investors. Internationally they are mainly held by investors from North America, continental Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Shareholder structure1
as of 5/10/2021
1 The information is in particular based on notifications of voting rights pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act that were received and published by METRO AG.
2 Vote on exercising voting rights under the pooling agreement.