Investor Relations
The Investor Relations department is in continuous dialogue with analysts, institutional investors and retail investors. The team is guided by the principles of customer-focused capital market support.
- Topicality: assurance of information leadership
- Continuity: consistency in external communications
- Credibility: disclosure of accurate information
- Equal treatment: all recipients are provided with the same information at the same time
In addition to the regular quarterly and yearly reporting, the Investor Relations team is also available for personal meetings. Together with the Management Board, the team spent 14 days on roadshows and 11 days attending investor conferences. It also conducted numerous individual and group discussions, store inspections and telephone conferences. In March 2018, METRO invited analysts and investors to a Capital Markets Day in Moscow, aimed at highlighting the challenges and opportunities in this market. METRO’s focus on wholesale trade and the group’s strategy in Russia and Germany were the main subjects discussed.
All information about the METRO share is available in German and English from the Investor Relations website. The website also offers additional information about METRO’s corporate strategy and business development, all current publications, the schedule of events and the annual report. A webcast is available for all METRO events. The Investor Relations team can also be contacted directly. The Annual General Meeting provides all shareholders with the opportunity to learn about the current developments at METRO.
Its active membership in the German Equity Institute (Deutsches Aktieninstitut e. V., DAI) in Frankfurt allows METRO AG to actively promote an investment culture with an affinity for equities in Germany. METRO is also committed to the principles of open and continuous communications, which is expressed in the company’s membership in the German Investor Relations Association (Deutscher Investor Relations Verband e. V., DIRK).
Contact Investor Relations
Investor Relations
Schlüterstraße 1
40235 Düsseldorf, Germany
T +49 211 6886−1280
F +49 211 6886−490–3759