KPI Report Corporate Responsibility 2022/23

Overview 2022/23

Greenhouse gas emissions

Status of climate protection target

Greenhouse gas emissions in kg CO2 (CO2 equivalents) per m2 selling and delivery space regarding scope 1-3

Trends in emission sources included in climate protection target

Change in % compared to base year 2011 (Scope 1-3)

-39.7 -39.7

Electricity, heating and cooling energy consumption

Installed kW Peak

Total energy consumption in MWh

Water withdrawal and wastewater generated

Change in water consumption in l per m2 of selling and delivery space in % compared to base year 2020/21

Amount of solid waste

Recycling rate of waste per m2 of selling and delivery space in %

Food waste reduction

Reduction of food waste in kg per m2 of selling and delivery space compared to base year 2017/18 in %

-23 -23

Plastic reduction in own brand packaging*

Plastic volumes saved in tonnes compared to total goal 2,000 (in t)

-3,804 -3,804

PVC phase out in own brand packaging*

EPS phase out in own brand packaging*

FSC®/PEFC certified packaging in own brand products*

Share of FSC®/PEFC-certified packaging for own brand products in %

* This sustainability information was not audited in accordance with ISAE 3000 by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

Per million hours worked

6.6 6.6

Number of healthy and nutritious products

Risky own brand producers

Number Non-Food

492 492

Social audits

Relating to own imports by METRO SOURCING and non-food own-brand producers of the METRO sales lines


Full-time equivalent

84,336 84,336

Women in MINT-positions

In %

25.8 25.8

Employee diversity

Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status

Part-time rate by gender

Part time rate (in % of total employees)

14.2 14.2

Employee turnover

Employee representation

Proportion of employees represented by employee representatives in %

Number trainees, interns and students

New employees – diversity

Managers by age (in %)

Gender breakdown in managerial positions

Share of women in %

Nationalities among managers


45 45

Continuing professional development

Employee engagement (in %)

Community Involvement

Key Figures comparison

The Key Figures comparison is a tool with which you can can compare the sustainability KPIs presented here over a fixed time period.

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About this report

This website provides information about METRO’s sustainability performance in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs). It delivers KPIs on our strategic ESG priorities: climate and carbon, ethics and trust as well as equity, diversity and well-being. In addition, we report on the KPI community investment. You can find more on this report and the assurance report of the auditors at the following links.