Installed on-site photovoltaic (PV) capacity
Definition: METRO has started in 2008 to install photovoltaic (PV) systems on the roofs of its stores. The size of PV systems is indicated in kilowatt peak (kWp). The capacity indicates how much energy is generated under standard test conditions. METRO reports the cumulated installation of photovoltaic systems on its stores in kWp, it does not matter if the stores or photovoltaic systems are owned by METRO. As long as METRO is using the solar energy from the PV systems for its store operations and the PV systems are located on METRO roofs, those PV systems are reported. Until 30 September 2023, METRO has installed 72 PV systems in 11 countries amounting to an installed capacity of 44,284 kWp.
21 new systems with a total capacity of 24,374 kWp were installed in the reporting year 2022/23 in Turkey, Spain and Romania.
Target: We aim to reach 50,000 kWp until 2030.