Social audits relating to own imports by METRO SOURCING and non-food own-brand producers of the METRO sales lines
Risky Non-Food Own Brand Producers1 with valid audit (number)
Thereof with passed audit
(in %)
1 This includes own brand producers of commercial goods (non-food own brands and own imports) who carry out the last decisive and value-giving production step. Regarding the definition of 'risky' refer to footnote 1 of the KPI Risky Non-Food Own Brand Producers.
2 The key indicator does not cover the following METRO companies and countries, partly due to data availability and changes in the scope of consolidation in the reporting year: Belgium, India, Japan, Portugal, Russia and Ukraine.
Definition: Status of all risky own brand producers in which METRO SOURCING INTERNATIONAL has import goods manufactured, and of risky non-food producers who manufacture own brands or own imports for our sales lines. Regarding the definition of “risky” refer to footnote 1 of the KPI Risky Non-Food Own Brand Producers. Producers that have passed the audit can demonstrate their successful compliance with the amfori BSCI standard or an equivalent social standard system by presenting a certificate awarded by an independent third party.
Explanation: 454 own brand producers were audited as of 30 September 2023. Of these, 100% (454 producers) passed the audit. Effective 1 January 2019, non-food own brand producers who fail the audit cannot be used until they achieve an acceptable audit result. In other words, they have to receive an A, B or C for the amfori BSCI assessment or an audit that is acknowledged as equivalent.
The key performance indicator relates to all the own brand producers of which we are made aware by our suppliers.
Social audits relating to own imports by METRO SOURCING and food/near-food own brand producers of the METRO sales lines
Risky Food/Near-Food Own Brand Producers with valid audit1 (number)
Thereof with passed audit
(in %)
1 Regarding the definition of 'risky' refer to footnote 1 of the KPI Risky Food/Near-Food Own Brand Producers.
2 The key indicator does not cover the following METRO companies and countries, partly due to data availability and changes in the scope of consolidation in the reporting year: Belgium, India, Japan, Portugal, Russia and Ukraine.
Definition: Status of all risky own brand producers in which METRO FOOD SOURCING has import goods produced, and of risky Food/Near-Food producers who produce own brands or own imports for our sales lines. Regarding the definition of “risky” refer to footnote 1 of the KPI Risky Food-/Near-Food Own Brand Producers. Own brand producers that have passed the audit can demonstrate their successful compliance with the amfori BSCI standard or an equivalent social standard system by presenting a certificate awarded by an independent third party.
Explanation: The roll-out of the process for Food/Near-Food own brand producers started end of 2019. 118 own brand producers were audited as of 30 September 2023. Of these, 98% (116 producers) passed the audit. In order to allow for a gradual onboarding of our producers into a social compliance system such as amfori BSCI or an audit scheme that is acknowledged as equivalent, all audit results are accepted and monitored closely.
The key performance indicator relates to all the producers of which we are made aware by our own brand suppliers.