Paper, board and wood in own brand primary packaging
1 no. of countries delivering data 2020/21: 13 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
2 no. of countries delivering data 2021/22: 16 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
3 no. of countries delivering data 2022/23: 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
4 compared to total number of packaging of own brand products with paper/paperboard/cardboard/wood packaging
Paper, board and wood in own brand secondary packaging
1 no. of countries delivering data 2020/21: 12 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
2 no. of countries delivering data 2010/22: 15 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
3 no. of countries delivering data 2022/23: 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs out of 18 countries + METRO AG Corporate + 4 ITOs
4 compared to total number of packaging of own brand products with paper/paperboard/cardboard/wood packaging
Explanation: Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) / Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC) certification for all paper, paperboard, cardboard and wood own brand products packaging on primary and secondary packaging level. Due to completion of assessment of all entities compared to previous years the packaging items in scope of this figure have increased, but the share of certified packaging items hasn't increased proportionally because the impovement for the freshly assessed packaging items haven't materialised yet.
- Primary packaging level means packaging conceived so as to constitute a sales unit to the final user or consumer at the point of purchase.
- Secondary packaging level means packaging conceived so as to constitute at the point of purchase a grouping of a certain number of sales units.
Target: 100% by 30 September 2023 in relation to the base year 2018/19. As of October 1, 2021, the target was updated to include a recycled content of at least 70% in own-brand packaging in addition to FSC®/PEFC certification. Due to the overall increase of packaging in scope of this target, we face challenges in certified or recycled material availability. At the end of the 2023 target, we therefore renewed our 100% target until 30 September 2030, based on the base year 2021/22.