Employee turnover by gender (in %)


Employee turnover by gender – METRO (stacked bar)


Employee turnover by gender – Germany (stacked bar)
Staff turnover of men (% of total men)
Staff turnover of women (% of total women)
Staff turnover total (% of total employees)

Definition: Employee turnover is defined as all employees leaving, that is those who retire, die or hand in their notice. The employee turnover rate1 is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees. All employees on permanent contracts are included.

Employee turnover by age (in %)


Employee turnover by age – METRO (stacked bar)


Employee turnover by age – Germany (stacked bar)
< 30 years old
30–50 years old
> 50 years old

Definition: Employees leaving due to retirement, death or resignation/dismissal, broken down by age. The employee turnover rate is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees.

1 The calculation of the share of gender is conducted based on three categories (female, male, diverse). The category diverse cannot be shown separately, as share of total workforce is less than 0.01%. As of FY 2021/22, one employee was recorded in the system with the category of diverse for the first time.