Gender breakdown in managerial positions (in %)
Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated per capita as of 30 September.
Targets: METRO aims to further increase the proportion of women in managerial positions. The objective is for 25% of employees on the first management level below the Management Board and 40% of employees on the second management level below the Management Board of METRO AG to be women by September 2025. Furthermore, a voluntarily target for the share of women in executive positions at our wholesale business has been set. According to this, the share of women in management positions at levels 1 to 3 (including store management) of global METRO locations is supposed to be 30% by September 2025.
Gender breakdown in managerial positions top management (in %)
Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September).
This graph refers only to women and men in top management positions (as a % of total top management positions).
Gender breakdown in managerial positions junior management (in %)
Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September).
This graph refers only to women and men in junior management positions, (as % of total junior management positions).
Gender breakdown in managerial positions of revenue generating units (in %)
Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September).
This graph only refers to women and men in management positions in our stores and our delivery depots or similar as a % of all managers in those units.