no. of products1




Less of sugar/salt/saturated fatty acids/free from additives




Organic products




Alternative protein products





We define product as each separate product offered to our customers. Sometimes identical products have different GTINs (Global Trade Item Number as unique identifier) in the different countries where they are sold. In such cases, these identical products are counted only once. It may also be the case that a product shows several areas of application for this KPI at the same time, e.g. is sugar-reduced and certified organic. In these cases, too, the product is only counted once.

Explanation: Figures shown here refer to baseline 2018 and own brand products only. They also represent extensions of the product range and do not necessarily only mean a reformulation of existing products.

METRO Belgium and India are not included in the key indicator due to changes in the scope of consolidation. Furthermore, the key indicators of the past two years include retrospective disclosures by the national subsidiaries METRO Italy and France. The figures from previous years have therefore been retrospectively adjusted, so that the data shown in this report do not match the data shown in previous reports.

Reformulation here means reduction of sugar-/salt-/saturated fatty acids content of 0.1g per 100g for products with a minimum content of 0.5g sugar/saturated fatty acids per 100g and 1g salt per 100g.

Organic products reflected in this figure refer to products from biological agriculture and meeting requirements of EU regulations (EU 834/2007, EU 889/2008 and EU 271/2010) and other applicable national organic regulations of non-EU countries.

Alternative protein products reflected in this figure refer to alternatives to animal proteins (meat, milk, fish, eggs and their derivatives) produced using novel or new technologies and ingredients, which include: Plant-based extracts e.g. pea proteins, cell-cultures (synthetic) proteins e.g. meat grown in a lab.

Target 2023: Offer 1,500 own-brand products METRO-wide (thereof 150 common and 1,350 locally sourced) with less sugar, salt and saturated fatty acids, completely or partially free from additives and organic certified and/or alternative protein products by end of December 2023.