Empower People
Definition: Full-time equivalent employees, average for the year, excluding trainees.
New employees by gender (in %)
Definition: The figure for new employees includes all newly recruited employees and returning workers. The KPI shows the number of workers joining the company in relation to the average number of employees. This does not include trainees, interns, BA students and employees on temporary contracts.
Part-time rate (in %)
Definition: Share of part-time employees, average for the year, excluding trainees.
Employees by age group (in %)
Definition: Breakdown of employees by age group, average for the year, including trainees.
New employees by age group (in %)
Definition: Breakdown of new employees by age group, average for the year. This does not include trainees, interns, BA students and employees on temporary contracts.
Number of nationalities
Definition: Number of different nationalities among our employees, excluding trainees, as of 30 September.
Gender breakdown in managerial positions (in %)
Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management, departmental management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September).
Managers by age group (in %)
Definition: Breakdown of managers by age group as of 30 September.
Number of nationalities among managers
Definition: Number of different nationalities among our managers as of 30 September.
Employee turnover by gender (in %)
Definition: Employee turnover is defined as all employees leaving, that is those who retire, die or hand in their notice. The employee turnover rate is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees. All employees on permanent contracts are included.
Explanation: The employee turnover rate is high at METRO. This is primarily attributable to the fact that the employee turnover is generally high in several Asian and Eastern European countries where METRO operates.
Employee turnover by age group (in %)
Definition: Employees leaving due to retirement, death or resignation/dismissal, broken down by age. The employee turnover rate is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees.
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) per million hours worked
Definition: The LTIFR captures the number of accidents with at least 1 missed day of work (not including the day of the accident) per 1 million hours worked. Fatalities and cases of permanent sick leave or disability are likewise included, whereas accidents while commuting are not.
Explanation: In order to identify areas with high accident rates or especially vulnerable groups of people, evaluate causes of accidents and define targeted countermeasures, the German METRO companies have implemented appropriate reporting which covers 97% of the German METRO companies in financial year 2017/18. This reporting is now to be implemented across the group.
Continuing professional development
Average number of hours of CPD
per employee per year
Average CPD expenditure per employee per year in €
Definition: Training (hygiene, occupational safety, etc.) and courses focusing on ongoing operations plus medium- and long-term CPD opportunities that are offered with a view to enhancing the course of business.
Explanation: The figures for training relate to full-time employees on an annual average. The reporting covers 95% of all METRO employees.
Trainees, interns and students
Trainees including interns and students
Trainees including interns and students
Definition: All trainees including interns and students.
Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status
Definition: All employees considered severely disabled as defined by the respective country, or those with equivalent status.
Social audits relating to own imports by METRO SOURCING and non-food own-brand products of the METRO sales lines
Producers with valid audit1
Thereof with passed audit (in %)
Definition: Status of all producers in countries defined as risk countries according to the assessment by the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI) in which METRO SOURCING has import goods manufactured, and of non-food producers who manufacture own brands or own imports for our sales lines. Producers that have passed the audit can demonstrate their successful compliance with the amfori BSCI standard or an equivalent social standard system by presenting a certificate awarded by an independent third party.
Explanation: 1,274 producers were audited as of 30 September 2018. Of these, 92% (1,173 producers) passed the audit. Producers who do not pass the audit must demonstrate improvement through a follow-up audit within 12 months. Since 1 January 2017, METRO Wholesale and Real are imposing more stringent requirements on suppliers: new suppliers are accepted only if the producers they source from can show at least one passing audit result. For current suppliers, a transition period of 2 years applies.
The key performance indicator relates to all the producers of which we are made aware by our suppliers.