United Nations Global Compact

Being a member of the United Nations Global Compact – the world’s largest initiative for corporate responsibility – helps METRO to firmly embed sustainability in its company strategy. As well as this, it provides the right framework for our long-term commitment to responsible and ethical business practices.
With this Communication on Progress, METRO is fulfilling its obligation to demonstrate which guidelines and measures it is using to improve its performance in the fields of human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the elimination of corruption and to ensure that the Global Compact’s 10 basic principles are adhered to in strategic decision-making and day-to-day work both now and in the future.
Düsseldorf, December 2018
United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 2017/18
In the following tables, we show examples of commitments and management systems that serve the 10 principles, measures that we have taken and results that we achieved in the reporting period 2017/18.