Key Performance Indicators
The chapter ‘key performance indicators’ provides information about METRO’s sustainability performance in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs). It is divided into KPIs on the economic performance of the company and KPIs on our areas of responsibility (Empower) People, (Secure) Planet, (Unfold) Prosperity and (Enhance) Partnership.
Reporting period
The reporting year is the same as the METRO financial year, that is from 1 October to 30 September. Key performance indicators are reported for the previous 3 financial years.
Reporting of the climate protection target also includes the target’s reference year, 2011. The figure for the reference year relates to the period from 1 January to 31 December 2011. A different reporting period is used in this case because METRO changed its financial year from the calendar year to the 12 months from October to September in 2013.
Data collection approach and degree of coverage
The key performance indicators reported are based on data that is gathered using various internal reporting systems. As a rule, this data is systematically recorded for each sales line and each country every quarter, in some cases every month. The KPIs are based on data collected for the whole METRO, that is for all of the stores, back offices and warehouses and for the head office in Düsseldorf. It is necessary to extrapolate and estimate consumption data for some KPIs in cases where the primary data available is incomplete. This applies to the KPIs from the section Planet. The sustainability data management office merges the data from various reporting systems.
The greenhouse gas emissions relating to purchased goods and services, assets and leased assets which are reported in accordance with Scope 3 are modelled because recording primary data for these is highly complex. This modelling is based on KPIs for the economic value added by METRO. To perform these calculations, we use so-called economic input-output models, which are founded on the economic flows of goods and services.
The selling and delivery space figures used as a basis for the KPIs are averages for the year.
We report all KPIs separately for METRO as a whole and for the region Germany, as the country in which the company is based. As a general rule, the KPIs for METRO as a whole include the data for all locations or all employees. The KPIs we report for work-related accidents and continuing professional development in the section People do not currently cover all employees. We do not have the relevant data for all sales lines and organisational units in proper quality. We report work-related accidents for the German METRO companies. The KPIs for continuing professional development include all companies except for a few service companies. We show sales in the section Prosperity exclusively for our German sales lines Real and METRO Wholesale Germany.
All of the sustainability KPIs have been audited by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
Deviations from previous reports
In some cases, the figures presented in previous sustainability reports differ from those cited in this report. There are various reasons for this.
In financial year 2017/18, we switched to different software for the sustainability data management of the KPIs in the section Planet. This involved methodological changes and new emissions factors for calculating greenhouse gas emissions. We use the new emissions factors to represent emissions in financial year 2017/18. For emissions in the preceding years, the previously used factors still apply.
We now apply the climate protection target not only to the square metres of selling space, but additionally to the space used for delivery. In doing so, we are taking into account the quickly rising share of delivery operations in our total business. In the achievement of the climate protection target, this results in an overall positive net effect of 2.5 percentage points.
There are other differences in the KPIs in the section Planet, arising from estimated figures having been replaced by actual values. In a number of cases, the utilities provide us with consumption figures quite late, and we therefore initially work on the basis of estimates.
The only deviations are those in comparison with earlier reports. Within the present report, KPIs are represented according to a uniform methodology for 3 years, respectively. They thus allow a comprehensible overview of the development.
We complete our data collection and reporting on an ongoing basis to improve the level of transparency and the way we manage our sustainability performance.
As part of these efforts, we have included the additional KPI:
- Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status
In the KPI for the representation of work-related accidents, we no longer use the rate per 1,000 workers, but rather:
- The lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) per 1 million hours worked