
Customer satisfaction and innovation management

METRO focuses on identifying and addressing customers’ current and future challenges at an early stage in a constantly changing environment. It is thereby elevating the customer relationship from a transactional merchandise trade to a sustainable and holistic partnership. 

Customer focus and customer satisfaction are central elements of the corporate strategy. In order to continuously measure and improve customer satisfaction, METRO has implemented the throughout 24 METRO countries. Since its introduction, METRO has received about 3.7 million customer feedbacks. Besides the quantitative measurement of the satisfaction values, suggestions from customers can be systematically recorded and evaluated. Among other things, this is done through analysis tools with regard to, for example, product range availability or pricing. Subsequently, measures are implemented and tracked at country level to continuously optimise customer satisfaction.

An important aspect of customer satisfaction with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic is the protection of customer health. In order to ensure the best possible protection, METRO has issued recommendations on preventive measures, for example, by continuing to enforce safe distancing, mandatory mask wearing and by installing disinfectant dispensers. Corresponding measures were implemented in the countries on their own responsibility. In addition, best practices were exchanged between the national subsidiaries and product ranges were expanded to support our customers in implementing protective measures in their operations.

With its 2 companies, Hospitality Digital and METRO-NOM, METRO offers professional services and digital solutions that support professional customers in successfully conducting their business and strengthen their competitiveness. 

Hospitality Digital develops customer- and user-oriented digital solutions specifically designed for the hospitality industry. After about 2 years, METRO has supported more than 200,000 restaurateurs in 15 countries with digital solutions through its online platform DISH (Digital Innovations and Solutions for Hospitality). The provided tools facilitate operating processes, ensure visibility on the internet or support the restaurateur in evaluating key business figures.

Know Today What Customers Will ...

buy tomorrow

MPULSE magazine – Know Today What Customers Will Buy Tomorrow (Photo) Read story at

Making the Right Decision – With Digital ...


MPULSE magazine (Photo) Read story at

A Big Heart for Small Shops: Why ‘Own Business’ Is More Important Than ...


MPULSE magazine – A Big Heart for Small Shops: Why ‘Own Business’ Is More Important Than Ever (Photo) Read story at

Protection of personal data

The protection of personal data of customers, employees and business partners is extremely important to METRO. This is particularly true considering the fact that corporate processes are increasingly being digitalised, requiring data collection, processing and storage.

METRO always undertakes to comply with the respective data protection laws of the countries in which METRO is active. In addition, METRO has a group-wide privacy policy that contains uniform standards for the handling of personal data and is binding for all group companies. In addition, national laws apply. For companies operating in Europe, this includes, in particular, provisions for dealing with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

METRO also has a group-wide data protection organisation, consisting of local data protection officers and data privacy managers responsible for corporate data protection. It facilitates the pursuit of overarching and national data protection and digitalisation developments in order to continue to meet the statutory data protection requirements across the group.

With the help of the structures created by the data protection organisation, METRO has set up a system for continuously and comprehensively monitoring with data protection regulations within the group. The review covers internal requirements and provisions from laws and other legally binding provisions on data protection.

The concept of the METRO group’s data protection management system was also audited and certified by an external body in accordance with the international standard IDW PS 980. There were no objections.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Key figure that is used to provide information regarding the performance and customer satisfaction of a company. A standardised customer survey provides ratings from customers that can be used to calculate a comparable cross-company measured value.
All measures specifying compliance with legal requirements as well as social guidelines and values by a company and its employees.
A procedure that assesses an organisation’s processes and structures according to previously formulated standards and guidelines. Audits shed light on the effectiveness of process optimisation measures. If an audit is conducted by an external auditor, the certificate issued after the review can be used as evidence of adherence to standards.