Diversity and Inclusion

Employees Gleichberechtigung der GeschlechterGute Arbeitsplätze und wirtschaftliches WachstumWeniger Ungleichheiten


Employees – METRO (single bar)


Employees – Germany (single bar)

Definition: Full-time equivalent employees, average for the year, excluding trainees.

Women in MINT-positions (in %)


Women in MINT-positions – METRO


Women in MINT-positions – Germany

Definition: All employees in functional roles in the engineering and/or research & development (R&D) departments of the company at fiscal year-end; excludes contractors, and contract based employees.

Representative of at least 80% of the total workforce.

Engineering or R&D roles may include, but are not limited to, engineers, software engineers, software quality engineers, infrastructure engineers, systems engineers, and hardware engineers.

Employees by gender (in %)


Employees by gender – METRO (pie)


Employees by gender – Germany (pie)

Definition: The percentage of male and female employees is calculated per capita as of 30 September.

Employees by age group (in %)


Employees by age group – METRO (pie)


Employees by age group – Germany (pie)

Definition: Breakdown of employees by age group, excluding trainees, as of 30 September.

Number of nationalities


Number of nationalities – METRO (single bar)


Number of nationalities – Germany (single bar)

Definition: Number of different nationalities among our employees, excluding trainees, as of 30 September.

Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status


Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status – METRO (single bar)


Employees with a recognised severe disability or equivalent status – Germany (single bar)

Definition: All employees considered severely disabled as defined by the respective country, or those with equivalent status.

Part-time rate by gender (in %)


Part-time rate by gender – METRO (stacked bar)


Part-time rate by gender – Germany (stacked bar)

Definition: Share of part-time employees, average for the year, excluding trainees.

Employee turnover by gender (in %)


Employee turnover by gender – METRO (stacked bar)


Employee turnover by gender – Germany (stacked bar)

Definition: Employee turnover is defined as all employees leaving, that is those who retire, die or hand in their notice. The employee turnover rate is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees. All employees on permanent contracts are included.

Explanation: The employee turnover rate is high at METRO. This is primarily attributable to the fact that the employee turnover is generally high in several Asian and Eastern European countries where METRO operates.

Employee turnover by age (in %)


Employee turnover by age – METRO (stacked bar)


Employee turnover by age – Germany (stacked bar)

Definition: Employees leaving due to retirement, death or resignation/dismissal, broken down by age. The employee turnover rate is the number of workers leaving in relation to the average number of employees.

Employee representation


Employee representation – METRO (pie)

Definition: Proportion of employees who are represented by works councils, employee representatives and an independent trade union or whose interests are covered by collective agreements.

Trainees, interns and students


Trainees, interns and students – METRO (single bar)


Trainees, interns and students – Germany (single bar)

Definition: All trainees including interns and students.

New employees Gleichberechtigung der GeschlechterGute Arbeitsplätze und wirtschaftliches WachstumWeniger Ungleichheiten

New employees by gender (in %)


New employees by gender – METRO (pie)


New employees by gender – Germany (pie)

Definition: The figure for new employees includes all newly recruited employees and returning workers. The KPI shows the number of workers joining the company in relation to the average number of employees. This does not include trainees, interns, BA students and employees on temporary contracts.

New employees by age (in %)


New employees by age – METRO (pie)


New employees by age – Germany (pie)

Definition: Breakdown of new employees by age group, average for the year. This does not include trainees, interns, BA students and employees on temporary contracts.

New employees number of nationalities


New employees number of nationalities – METRO (single bar)


New employees number of nationalities – Germany (single bar)

Definition: Number of different nationalities among our employees, excluding trainees, as of 30 September.

Management Gleichberechtigung der GeschlechterGute Arbeitsplätze und wirtschaftliches WachstumWeniger Ungleichheiten

Gender breakdown in managerial positions (in %)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions – METRO (pie)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions – Germany (pie)

Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated per capita as of 30 September. 

Targets: As part of the revision of the strategy and through the positive development with regard to achieving the target of increasing the proportion of women in management positions at METRO AG and METRO’s wholesale business, we have shortened the target achievement date of the current gender targets set by the Management Board on 26 July 2017 to 30 September 2020 (originally: 30 June 2022) and set new targets for September 2025. The objective is for 25% of employees on the first management level below the Management Board and 40% of employees on the second management level below the Management Board of METRO AG to be women by September 2025. Furthermore, METRO has again set a voluntary target for the proportion of women in executive positions at our wholesale business. According to this, the share of women in management positions at levels 1 to 3 (including store managers) of METRO locations worldwide is to be 30% by September 2025.

Gender breakdown in managerial positions top management (in %)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions top management – METRO (pie)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions top management – Germany (pie)

Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September). 

This graph refers to women and men in top management positions i.e. maximum two levels away from the CEO or comparable positions (as a % of total top management positions).

Gender breakdown in managerial positions junior management (in %)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions junior management – METRO (pie)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions junior management – Germany (pie)

Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September). 

This graph refers to women and men in junior management positions, i.e. first level of management (as % of total junior management positions).

Gender breakdown in managerial positions of revenue generating units (in %)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions of revenue generating units – METRO (pie)


Gender breakdown in managerial positions of revenue generating units – Germany (pie)

Definition: Managerial positions are those in levels 1–3 (Management Board, General Management, divisional management and store management). The percentage of male and female employees in these positions is calculated (per capita as of 30 September).

This graph refers to women and men in management positions in our stores and our delivery depots or similar as a % of all managers in those units.

Managers by age (in %)


Managers by age – METRO (pie)


Managers by age – Germany (pie)

Definition: Breakdown of managers by age group as of 30 September.

Number of nationalities among managers


Number of nationalities among managers – METRO (single bar)


Number of nationalities among managers – Germany (single bar)

Definition: Number of different nationalities among our managers as of 30 September.

Training and Engagement Quality EducationDecent Work and Economic Growth

Continuing professional development

Average number of hours of CPD
per employee per year

Average number of hours of CPD per employee per year (single bar)

Average CPD expenditure
per employee per year in €

Average CPD expenditure per employee per year in € (single bar)
1 As for training expenditure, only 16 countries have provided us figures due to Covid-19. For this reason, the figure of 93.0 EUR is calculated on a corresponding FTE, basis of the calculation are the countries that have provided such data. Greater incidence of e-Learnings during the Covid-19 drives the cost significantly down. On average, countries only used 65% of their training budget.

Definition: Training (hygiene, occupational safety, etc.) and courses focusing on ongoing operations plus medium- and long-term CPD opportunities that are offered with a view to enhancing the course of business.

Explanation: The figures for training relate to full-time employees on an annual average. The reporting covers 87% of all METRO employees.2

2 The reported figures include all METRO Wholesale entities as well as METRO AG.

In this financial year, training activities as well as training-related expenditures increased compared to the past period.

Both the activities in digital self-learning increased as well as in instructor-led courses, though still often delivered digitally.

Reasons lie in less restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the international implementation of a new learning platform which provides a user-friendly and engaging access to learning resources for each employee.

2 The reported figures include all METRO Wholesale entities as well as METRO AG.

Employee engagement


Employee engagement – METRO (single bar)

Since the start of 2019 the engagement survey has been carried out quarterly. The 2020/2021 figure is from August 2021.

The global retail benchmark was 68% this year and the global benchmark for all industries was 66%.