Principles and objectives of financial activities
METRO AG centrally performs the management of the group’s financing activities. It ensures solvency of the group at all times, reduces financial risks where economically feasible and grants loans to group companies. The objective is to cover the financing requirements of the group companies cost-effectively and in sufficient amounts via the international banking and capital markets as well as utilising internal group cash pool structures. The financial activities are based on a financial budget for the group, which covers all relevant companies. The selection of financial products is generally based on the maturities of the underlying transactions.
- For more information about the risks stemming from financial instruments and hedging relationships, see the notes to the consolidated financial statements in no. 39 – management of financial risks.
METRO AG has an investment grade rating (long term: BBB−/short term: A-3) from Standard & Poor’s with a stable outlook. The rating ensures access to the international financial and capital markets, which is particularly utilised within the scope of the Euro Commercial Paper Programme and the ongoing capital market bond programme as needed. Frequent dialogue with credit investors and analysts takes place.
Financing measures
The company’s medium-term and long-term financing needs are covered by a bond issuance programme. On 7 March 2024, a new bond with a nominal volume of €500 million, a term of 5 years and a 4.625% coupon was successfully placed on the capital market. On 10 July 2024, a matured bond of €51 million was redeemed. As of 30 September 2024, the utilised bond issuance programme amounted to a total of €1,150 million (30/9/2023: €701 million).
Short-term financing requirements are primarily covered through the Euro Commercial Paper Programme as well as bilateral credit lines. As of 30 September 2024, utilisation of the Commercial Paper Programme was €76 million (30/9/2023: €225 million) and that of the bilateral credit lines €54 million (30/9/2023: €112 million).
As a cash reserve, METRO AG concluded a syndicated credit facility of €1,000 million and additional bilateral credit facilities of €100 million. There was no drawdown during the reporting period.
- For more information about financing programmes and credit facilities, see the notes to the consolidated financial statements in no. 32 – financial liabilities (excluding liabilities from leases).