Risky Non-Food Own Brand Producers1 (number)
1 This includes producers of commercial goods (non-food own brands and own imports) who carry out the last decisive and value-giving production step. Risky producers for Non-Food are considered to the following criteria (and/or):
I. Inherent risk - Producers located in a risk country according to amfori BSCI
II. Fact based risk – Critical incidents (site or worker level) (negative press, history of bad audit results, local union reports, NGO reports)
2 For the key figures there may be variances from the consolidation group in financial reporting for reasons such as data availability.
Risky Food/Near-Food Own Brand Producers1 (number)
1 Risky producers for Near-Food are considered to the following criteria (and/or):
Inherent risk – Own Brand Producers located in a risk country according to amfori BSCI
II. Fact based risk – Critical incidents (site or worker level) (negative press, history of bad audit results,local union reports, NGO reports)
Risky Own Brand Producers for Food are considered to the following criteria (And/Or):
I. Inherent risk
a. Own Brand Producers located in a risk country
b. Own Brand Producers that produce products from the following commodity groups and/or in a particularsector/industry independent from the risk country status:
1. Fish and seafood (fishery on sea if the vessel is above 24 meters length or is more than 72 consecutive hours on sea and aquaculture farms if the farm is located in a risk country)
2. Meat (slaughtering and processing factories)
3. Fruit & vegetables (farm level when typically carried out by migrant seasonal / temporary workers)
4. Coffee (farm level) → all sourcing countries
5. Cocoa (farm level) → all sourcing countries
6. Soy (Tier 1) (farm level) → all sourcing countries from deforestation areas
7. Palm oil (Tier 1) (farm level) → all sourcing countries from deforestation areas
All process steps have to be considered (ultra)-fresh, processed, canned and frozen. This considers products where the commodity is main ingredient (first or second consideration in ingredient list). Additionally, Own Brand Producers who produce products with:
8. Palm oil as ingredient
9. Soy as animal feed
c. Governance & organisational structures: workforce mainly women or migrants or seasonal/temporary workers or workers without established or regular contracts
II. Fact based risk – Critical incidents (site or worker level) (negative press, history of bad audit results, local union reports, NGO reports)
2 For the key figures there may be variances from the consolidation group in financial reporting for reasons such as data availability.