Water withdrawal and wastewater generated

in l per m2 of selling, office and delivery space

Reference year 2020/21


Change in %

Water reduction target in % 2030 (Target year)






Definition: Water withdrawal in relation to the selling, office and delivery space.

Explanation: In absolute terms, METRO drew 3.0 million m3 of fresh water in the reporting period. METRO was thus able to reduce its absolute own consumption by 12.1% per m2 used for selling, office and delivery operations compared to the base year 2020/21. At the warehouses, stores and headquarters, water is primarily used for cleaning and sanitary facilities. In addition to this, water may be used for storing, transporting and selling food, for example for keeping live fish or making ice to chill fresh fish.

On group level, we measure and monitor the amount of water which the company draws from the public drinking water supply. The public drinking water supply is the only source from which we draw significant amounts of water.

We also measure and monitor the total amount of wastewater we generate at the group level. As our locations do not consume a significant amount of water, our calculations are based on the assumption that the volume of wastewater is the same as the amount of fresh water. All wastewater is fed into public sewers. We do not monitor the quality of the wastewater ourselves as this is not relevant given the usage described above.

Target: METRO has already met its original target of saving 5% water by 2025 compared to the base year 2016/17. Therefore, METRO has set a new water savings target for the financial year 2021/22: By 2030, specific water consumption in own business operations is to be reduced by 10% per m2 of net operating area, compared to the base year 2020/21.